Confero President Elaine Buxton Attends Women Impacting Public Policy Conference
October 10, 2013Elaine Buxton, president, attended the Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP) Conference held on October 9-10, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency Washington in Washington, D.C. Â The event was intended to include a legislative fly-in, however it occurred during the federal government shutdown. Attendees were able to connect with staffers within the Small Business Administration and […]
Confero Team Attends 15th Annual Mystery Shopping Providers Association Conference
September 26, 2013Confero team members attended the 15th annual Mystery Shopping Providers Association conference. Elaine Buxton, president; Rob Barry, Account Executive; and Paul Jacobi, Data Services Manager,  participated in the event held on September 24- 26, 2013 at the Marriott San Antonio Riverwalk Hotel in San Antonio, TX. Roundtable discussions included critical issues facing the mystery […]
Confero President Speaks at 2013 IMSC conference
June 1, 2013Elaine Buxton, president, participated as a speaker at the Independent Mystery Shoppers’ Conference (IMSC), held at the Melia Hotel in Atlanta, GA on May 30th – June 1st, 2013. The IMSC is a mystery shopper support organization working to improve the industry by providing educational information. The conference focused on ways to complete mystery shopping […]
Mystery Shopping and the Rising Role of the Employee in the Digital Retail Environment
February 1, 2013After visiting the store, many browsing customers go online to purchase the same item rather than making the purchase in the store. Even with efforts from trained associates, selling to these customers is difficult at best. Despite this phenomenon (called showrooming), the importance of human touch in retail environments lives on. In fact, 82% of retailers in a recent survey said that the role of employees in the workforce toward building better service has become even more important over the past three years.
New Trends Among Restaurant Customers and How They Could Change Mystery Shopping Programs
February 1, 2013When you think about trends that impact food service, it’s overwhelming: Older baby boomers dine out more often; social media restaurant conversations and feedback travel instantaneously; more customers choose smaller portions or snacks outside traditional meal times; and quick serve restaurants compete with fast casuals by adding trendy ingredients. Just as managers change menus and strategies as they adjust to these new trends, they should also fine tune restaurant mystery shopping goals to measure how well they meet demands produced by these trends.