Tag: fake check scams

  • Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Warning About Fake Check Scams, New Names Added to List of Scammers

    October 14, 2010

    We would like to remind consumers about the fake check scams that have been attached to the mystery shopping industry for the past couple of years.

    In this post, we are combining all the information and revelations from the past few months. Many consumers have received checks in the mail along with a letter on official-looking Confero letterhead. These checks are fake. The scam artists take the names of reputable companies in an attempt to fool unsuspecting consumers into cashing these fake checks. Always remember:

    • Confero does not send checks to shoppers as payment to shoppers.
    • Confero does not issue certified checks for shoppers to use during mystery shops.
    • Confero does not shop Western Union or Moneygram.
    • As the Fakecheck.org website states, “There is no legitimate reason why anyone would give you a check or money order and ask you to wire money in return.”

    In recent months, the scam artists have also started to pose as Confero schedulers. The following names have been used by scammers: Melissa Cole, Timothy Reeds, Robert Preston, Michael Thomforde, James Clayton, Paula Moore, Carlos Burnett, Chris Jordan, Alexander Hopkins, Mark Dwane, Kevin Jones, Melissa Hillman, Jimmy Bruce, Michael Hislap, Ashley Coleman and Dwayne Fox. It is inevitable that the scammers will continue to change names, so please remember, any check sent to you by anyone claiming to represent Confero is a scam. None of these persons work for Confero, Inc. These are made-up names used in official looking email messages or regular postal mail.

    Often times these scammers will use email addresses from public domains such as yahoo, gmail, msn or aol. Legitimate Confero staff members will only contact you via their @conferoinc.com email address.

  • Confero Consumer Protection Alert – FTC Issues Warning About Mystery Shopping Scams

    August 5, 2010

    We have been notified that current fake letters to consumers list these phone numbers: 888-228-3460, 888-239-1660 or 877-594-6794.  Please read the following blog post for information on how to report a scam if you receive a fake letter or fake check.   Do not deposit these checks!