Tag: customer surveys

  • Get to Know the QR Code

    November 29, 2011

    Are QR codes confusing to you? They were confusing to us at first, too. Mostly, we found them confusing because, at Confero, we use the term Quality Review (QR) to refer to our detailed process of quality assurance for each mystery shopping or audit report. We are now getting used to seeing “QR” (Quick Response) codes everywhere. If you have customers who have Smartphones, “QR Code” is a good term to understand.


    QR codes are those odd looking square patterns that seem to be cropping up everywhere. If you have not noticed one, look at most any print magazine ad and you’ll find one easily.

     Here’s how they work:

  • How to Calculate ROI for Mystery Shopping

    August 30, 2011

    As 2012 budget time approaches, companies have one priority when choosing what items to include in their budgets:  ROI.  Now, more than ever, companies are assessing carefully how every service that they use contributes to ROI. Many service providers claim their offerings tie directly into ROI; however, they don’t clearly outline the numbers.  

    Managers need hard numbers to justify purchases, and mystery shopping services are no exception.  Whether a company has been using a mystery shopping program for a long time, or is considering one for the first time, estimating ROI can help weigh the costs vs. the benefits of the program.

  • Is Valuable Customer Insight Hiding in your Spreadsheets?

    July 28, 2011

    If your company collects customer feedback, comment cards, store visit or field audit report information in spreadsheets, you may be missing out on the information’s maximum value. Comparisons and correlations of the data collected provide key insights that you may miss if the information is hidden inside multiple spreadsheets managed by multiple people.  Here’s a prime example:

  • 5 Key Considerations for Customer Surveys

    July 28, 2011
    1. Audience:  Consider the audience for your survey.  Are you striving for opinions from all customers and target markets?  Or would you like to hone in on a particular age segment, such as young adults?  Once you select your audience, define your objectives with your target in mind, then craft the survey questions.  For a survey that pins down the most valuable data, companies customize question wording, selection, and survey length to best fit the audience.
    2. Approach:   Based on your target audience, choose the appropriate survey delivery method, including mail, email, phone, online, or a combination. Older respondents may prefer mail surveys, and may be more willing to complete a longer survey. Busy professionals, on the other hand, may prefer to respond to a five-question survey via mobile device. If you want to reach all segments, offer the survey through different mediums.
  • 5 Ways to Increase Customer Survey Response: Web or Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

    May 17, 2011
    1. A concise survey invitation increases response rates. Basics such as good grammar and correct spelling are obvious, but companies also need to consider brief wording.  Companies should partner with the survey provider to develop a unique invitation that will capture customer’s attention and encourage them to respond.
    2. Communicate how long it will take to complete the survey– and deliver as promisedDiffering opinions exist about survey length, and it can be challenging for companies to balance the need for customer feedback in many areas while offering a survey that is not too lengthy.  Many times the invitation asks customers to complete a “short” survey, however, when customers dial in or access the link to the survey, they discover that survey completion takes longer than expected.  With a long survey, customers may abandon the survey before completion.  And worse, they probably will not participate in a future survey based on this one experience.

      Our experience shows that surveys with a maximum of 10 questions receive the best response rates.  Conduct trials internally and make note of how long the IVR or web survey takes to complete. After completing the internal tests, include how long it will take customers to complete the survey on the invitation.