Tag: customer service

  • The JetBlue Example: Are Your Employees Preparing to Slide Down the Chute?

    August 3, 2010

    By now, everyone has heard the story about the JetBlue Flight attendant who became frustrated with a passenger, expressed his anger over the public address system, and exited the plane via the emergency chute.   While it’s still not clear what exactly transpired on the plane, one thing that is clear is that many took his side, despite his bizarre actions.  Why did people praise his behavior?  Is it that airline customers empathize with airline travel stress, since they know firsthand the stress and overcrowding of many flights?  

  • ABCs of an Effective Mystery Shopping Program

    July 22, 2010

    A:  Allow time for consideration of mystery shop goals, survey question details and possible scenarios during the set up of a new mystery shopping program .

    B:  Build on the information that you gain from your mystery shops so that you can improve and redirect your program periodically.

    C:  Customize your mystery shopper survey to reflect your firm’s unique service and sales priorities.

  • What Would You Do With This Mystery Shopper Feedback?

    July 15, 2010

    Mystery shop results help you understand, in detail, how your locations perform in terms of appearance, timeliness, and customer engagement through greeting, customer service and sales behaviors, product knowledge, friendliness and other factors.   The results also provide invaluable information through mystery shopper comments. Open-ended comments reflect mystery shopper observations about what they saw and heard during the mystery shop visit.  They include details that explain a low-scored area or in-depth comments on overall impressions about the visit.

  • Confero Retail Compliance Audit Case Studies Show Reliability and Speed

    July 7, 2010

    Over the years, we’ve been asked to conduct research with some very specific and interesting requirements.   For example, Confero recruited smokers with specific types of health insurance policies in order to test and compare the effectiveness of public quit smoking hotlines.  Often times, it’s not the project itself that is the most difficult for us, but the tight time frame that is the most challenging.  Here are some examples:

  • Three Myths about Mystery Shops – Don’t Believe them!

    June 29, 2010

    Many people, both shoppers and clients alike, tend to make assumptions about the mystery shopping industry. We are not sure how some of these myths began, but we hope to clarify some of them. In this issue, we expose the following three myths: