Confero Consumer Protection Alert – FTC Mails Redress Checks to Fraud Victims Who Lost Money Through MoneyGram’s Money Transfer System
May 4, 2010Last week brought some great news for consumers who were victimized in some of the recent money-wiring scams.
Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Have you been a victim of a fake check scam?
February 12, 2010You may already be aware of the fake check scams that have been attached to the mystery shopping industry for the past couple of years.
Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns Consumers about Fake Check Scams Update
January 29, 2010Updated: 7/13/10
We would like to remind consumers about the fake check scams that have attached the the mystery shopping industry for the past couple of years.
Confero Consumer Protection Alert: Updated 01/08/10 – James Bradson
January 8, 2010Confero was recently made aware of a new scam in the mystery shopping industry. Over the last few days, scammers posing as employees of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association have been contacting unsuspecting consumers with fake offers to become mystery shoppers.
Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Partnering with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) Release Mystery Shopping Scam Video
November 24, 2009As a reputable company with 24 years in business, we are always concerned about scams involving mystery shopping. The scam typically plays out like this: the consumer receives a certified check from the bogus mystery shopping company, along with an “assignment” to deposit the check and then send funds via Western Union or Moneygram to a person designated on the assignment.