Shoppers Report It As They Hear And See It!

Shoppers Report It As They Hear And See It!

A few months ago, Confero revealed 25 mystery shopper comments that shed some interesting light on shopper experiences in a humorous way. We know our clients take mystery shopping reports seriously, as do we, but comic relief is always welcome, so we decided to share more funny comments. Enjoy!

  • “Since there was not a bagger available, the customer bagged himself.”
  •  “The music was not on, but a few employees behind the counter were singing ‘Hotel California.’”
  • “When I entered the location, I saw one customer being hung up by the cashier.”
  • “The associate preparing the sandwich did not ask about a larger drink or make eye contact. She simply kept talking to the sandwich.”

Visit “The Remains of the Previous Customer were on the Table”  to read more shopper comments, including our personal favorite, “I paid with my debt card.”

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