Confero Mystery Shopper Blog

  • The Dangers of Copy and Paste

    June 3, 2010

    Confero is excited to introduce guest blogger, Cathy Stucker. Cathy is the author of The Mystery Shopper’s Manual, the best selling guide to being a successful professional mystery shopper and blogs about the mystery shopping industry on her blog, The Mystery Shopper's Manual.  Confero President, Elaine Buxton first met Cathy several years ago during a Gold Shopper Certification seminar held by the MSPA when Cathy was working as a trainer for the Gold Certification program.    

     by Cathy Stucker,

    You just got back from shopping three locations of the same client. Each assignment used the same scenario, and they all went pretty much the same way. The temptation is to write the comments and narrative for the first shop, then copy and paste your words into the other two reports. A few changes of names and other details and you’re done, right?

    Wrong! Although recycling is a good thing, recycling comments and narratives in your mystery shop reports is not. Not only do some shoppers do this when they shop multiple locations of a company in the same day, they may copy and paste comments from shops done for the same client in previous months, or even shops done for competing businesses in the same industry. I even heard about one shopper who copied and pasted comments from the sample report provided by the mystery shopping company.

  • Confero Warning about Fake Check & Money Transfer Scams: Updated 11/2/09

    November 2, 2009

    *Updated: 11/2/09 *

    Please take a few minutes to watch these videos recently release by the Federal Trade Commission. David Vladeck, Director of the Bureau of Consumer Protection explains several money transfer scams, including The Grandparent Scam, The Counterfeit Check Scam and the Mystery Shopper Scam.

  • Confero Reiterates Consumer Warning of Scam Artist Posing as Confero Recruiter in Fake Checks Scam

    October 19, 2009

    Many consumers have received checks in the mail along with a letter on official-looking Confero letterhead. These are fake.

    Confero does not send checks to shoppers as payment to shoppers.

    Confero does not issue certified checks for shoppers to use during mystery shops.

    Confero does not shop Western Union or Moneygram.