Confero Warns about Fake Email, Fake Schedulers Amelie Armstead Miyuki Jefferson
September 8, 2014An email address at has been spoofed by an outsider who is sending email messages out with the subject "Job Opportunity Opens". The message appears to have been sent from info@ our domain address. This message was not sent by Confero and was not authorized by Confero to be sent on its behalf. If there is a link in the email message, please do not click on it. Confero posts jobs on it's mystery shopping job board to those who have submitted a profile for consideration for mystery shopping. Mystery shoppers are notified of mystery shopping projects when they become available. The subject "Job Opprtunity Opens" is never used. A recipient of this spoofed email message kindly sent us a copy of the contents and the
Confero Warns About Mystery Shopping Scam Using the Name Diane Holley
June 6, 2014We would like to remind consumers about the fake check scams where the scammer claims to be an employee of a reputable mystery shopping company. They ask the recipient to cash the check as part of a fake mystery shop assignment. In the past, consumers have received checks in the mail along with a letter […]
Join us! Confero President Elaine Buxton to Speak During Mystery Shopper Conference Call
May 20, 2014Join us Thursday, May 22nd at 4:00 PM PDT, 7:00 PM EDT for a free conference call with Elaine Buxton, President and CEO of Confero, Inc, organized by the Independent Mystery Shoppers Coalition (IMSC, In the interview-style call, Elaine will discuss how she got involved in the mystery shopping industry. She will also talk […]
Confero Warns About New Mystery Shopper Scam Using the Name Nicolas Morgan
August 13, 2012We received an inquiry from a consumer about a phishing email going around using the Confero name. The consumer asked, "Do you have an affiliate in Seattle, Washington operated by one Nicolas Morgan in the "Market Viewpoint" department? We received two e-mails from this person in the name of Confero, Inc. soliciting for mystery shopper evaluators (Rep ID# FPH04609)."
We are not affiliated with anyone named Nicolas Morgan and we do not operate a "Market Viewpoint" department. A scammer is trying to capitalize on Confero's good name.
Please do not fall for the Nicolas Morgan scam!Confero Warns (Again) About New Mystery Shopper Scam Using the Name Paul Williams
July 5, 2012The warning we posted about "Paul Williams" is still valid (see the original post here). . Fortunately, the would-be shopper contacted Confero rather than "Paul Williams. See her comments below. Please note that we NEVER send checks to mystery shoppers, asking them to cash checks and keep part as a payment. All Confero payments are issued to shoppers via PayPal AFTER the mystery shop has been completed, submiitted to Confero and accepted by our client.
I got a letter in the mail today from Survey America, signed by a "man" named Paul Williams. The letter is asking me to be a Mystery Shopper. Along with the letter came a check for $2,860.00.