Customer Surveys

Giving customers an easy, convenient way to communicate with you to build your brand, engagement, and trust.

Customer Surveys
Service Type
Customer Surveys
Provider Name
Confero, Inc., Telephone No.800-326-3880
United States
Confero Assists with Customer Surveys

The brand with the best experience usually wins.

  • Ask customers about specific brand or visit experiences.
  • Provide an on-going way for customers to communicate feedback to you.
  • Survey customers where they are: on the web, telephone, in-app, online or at your locations
  • Track your metrics: Our team can help you define them
  • Track Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  • Combine with Social Media Monitoring to understand your customers more fully.
Customer Survey Assistance from Confero Customer Research

We offer many ways to survey customers. All integrate on our reporting platform.

  • Survey customers in your app or ours.
  • In-bound telephone customer feedback surveys using interactive voice response (IVR)
  • Web based surveys
  • In-store interviews
  • Outbound telephone interviews
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