Mystery Shopping Photography 101

Mystery Shopping Photography 101

Tips for getting the perfect shot while mystery shopping!

Photos are important for many Confero Mystery Shops. Restaurants and retail clients are requesting more photos to be included in their reports. However you are supposed to be a “secret” shopper so you do not want anyone to know why you are taking a picture! Here are some tips from our expert shoppers on how they snap the perfect picture for the assignment without being caught!

  • Pretend you are photographing someone at your table, but really zoom in to a far off item you need to snap.
  • If you need to take a photo of something behind you, pretend to take a selfie but set the zoom to capture your true target.
  • Use a quality camera with a high speed sensor that does not require a flash.
  • Say you are checking in on Facebook to make your friends at work jealous!
  • Make oblique angle shots. Shots on the slant or diagonal come out well.
  • A lot of people take photos in restaurants these days, if you don’t act suspicious, the staff won’t make a big deal about it.
  • Say you are taking a photo of the food to post on Instagram or Twitter and will be sure to #hash tag the restaurant in the post.

This fun article reveals how it is almost expected to use your phone in a restaurant these days.

Follow these helpful tips for and your next mystery shops with photos will be a snap! (You can always say you are just taking a “selfie”!)

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