Shopper & Auditor Area

Sign up to become a Confero mystery shopper To become a Confero Mystery Shopper, click here.


Current Confero Mystery Shopper? Sign in & let’s shop together!

  • Find Mystery Shops & Audits
    Find Mystery Shops & Audits

    Find Mystery Shops & Audits

    Ready to earn money? Registered evaluators have access to postings of available mystery shops/audits/evaluations
  • FAQ's


    Answers to commonly asked questions to help you better understand how the mystery shopping and auditing process works.
  • Mystery Shopper Support
    Mystery Shopper Support

    Mystery Shopper Support

    Do you have a question that you don't find the answer to on our FAQ page? Please contact our support team via this link.
  • Consumer Alerts
    Consumer Alerts

    Consumer Alerts

    Here you will find the latest scams and how to avoid becoming a victim of fake check fraud.

Shopper & Auditor Process Flow

When our clients need mystery shopping or auditing services, we reach out to the independent contractors who have registered with us. Mystery shopping and auditing opportunities are for independent contractors only. You must be at least 18 years old, have reliable transportation, and a smartphone, tablet, or computer with internet access to register.
  • register


    Sign up with your contact information, read and accept the Independent Contractor Agreement and answer some questions to help you find evaluations you would be interested in conducting.
  • download

    Download apps (optional)

    Various apps are used by different mystery shopping companies to advertise their unfilled evaluations. Take advantage of every resource and check out the various apps to help you locate more opportunities beyond Confero.
  • presentation

    Check the Job Board

    Here you will find all the available opportunities in your area. Click on any shop that interests you, get more information regarding what the client is asking, and then apply to that shop. Opportunities are posted to the job Board as they arise. Check back often for new opportunities and select email notifications on your shopper profile to get an email each time something in your area becomes available.
  • audit

    Prepare for the mystery shop/audit/evaluation

    Review the client specs and guidelines for conducting the shop.
  • list

    Conduct the mystery shop/evaluation/audit

    Not all shops/evaluations/audits are conducted in person. Some are online website shops and some are by telephone.
  • apply

    Submit completed report, receipts and photos

    And that’s it! You have successfully completed your evaluation…but have you? Great evaluators check their registered email address daily to see if the research editor has any questions regarding your shop.
  • invoice(1)

    Get Paid

    Payment amounts are agreed in advance of each mystery shop or audit. If a purchase is required at the client’s location, the client will set and pay the reimbursement amount through Confero.
  • Payment Policy and Paypal
    Payment Policy and Paypal

    Payment Policy and Paypal

    Our payment policy is fully shown in the Independent Contractor Agreement which you will accept before your account may be considered to provide services to our clients.
  • Contractor Agreement
    Contractor Agreement

    Contractor Agreement

    The Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA) is waiting for you to read and accept as part of your new registration. If you are already registered and your ICA is out of date, you will find this document in your Extended Shopper Profile. Log into your profile, click the link, read the agreement, and then accept. This agreement must be accepted before you can be considered to provide services to our clients.
  • Other Opportunities at MSPA
    Other Opportunities at MSPA

    Other Opportunities at MSPA

    a great resource for shoppers to learn about different industry projects, complete with a full Opportunity Board where you may search to see what is open and available in your area. Dozens of reputable mystery shopping companies advertise their opportunities at the MSPA. Here you will have access to an ever-growing list of reputable companies to conduct business with.
  • Privacy and Personal  Information
    Privacy and Personal  Information

    Privacy and Personal Information

    Confero, Inc. (“Confero”, “company”, “we”, “us”, “our”) is committed to protect the privacy of its Independent Mystery Shoppers (“IMS”) and has created a secure environment to ensure the privacy and security of personal information.

What Our Shoppers Say

Latest Blogs


  • Confirm Your Mystery Shop!

    01 Jan, 2016 by Confero Inc.
    Effective January 25, 2016, when mystery shoppers request shopping assignments from Confero, an email notice is sent to the shopper when their offer to shop...
Mystery Shopping

Top Reasons to Start Mystery Shopping and Auditing!

  • Be your own boss.
  • Choose the hours, days, and locations you wish to conduct your evaluations/audits/shops.
  • Help clients fine tune their processes in person and/or via telephone.
  • New experiences each time you conduct an evaluation.
  • Meet new and interesting people.
  • Provide services for our exciting On-the-Spot Reward shops. Make someone’s day!
Our Clients

Our Clients