Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Have you been a victim of a fake check scam?
You may already be aware of the fake check scams that have been attached to the mystery shopping industry for the past couple of years. You have probably seen the numerous warnings we have posted over the past several months, like this recent consumer alert. We are working hard to alert as many consumers as possible about these scams and working with the necessary government agencies to get these scammers shut down.
We want to make sure our shoppers and other members of the community are aware of what they should do if they have become a victim of these scams or receive a fake check in the mail. First of all, if you receive a random check in the mail from an unknown source, never deposit it or cash it. Always, always, always investigate!
If you have been victimized by these scams or if you have been an attempted target (you receive a check but did not do anything with it), be sure to fill out the FTC complaint form on the Federal Trade Commission’s website. The more complaints they receive, the more attention this issue will receive. The more attention this issue receives, the more likely these scammers will be caught and prosecuted.
Hopefully, with your help we can get as many of the scammers as possible shut down!
Resources for fake check scams:
Better Business Bureau’s videos on Fake Check Scams
Federal Trade Commission’s videos on Money Transfer Scams
Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA)