Five Ways to Boost your Mystery Shopping Program this Summer!

Five Ways to Boost your Mystery Shopping Program this Summer!

  1.  Add incentives.  If you haven’t added rewards to your mystery shopping program yet, it’s time to consider them. And, you don’t need a large budget to make an impact. Whether it is through a monthly prize drawing for all associates who scored a perfect mystery shop, or a half day off for anyone scoring 90% or more throughout the year, rewards inspire employees to keep on doing the behaviors you want them to do most.
  2.  Highlight high performers.  Call out your top associates! If someone does a great job on a recorded phone shop, play the recorded call from their mystery shop at a team meeting to serve as a good example for others and provide recognition. You can also list top mystery shop performers as part of your PowerPoint at staff meetings or include the high-performing individuals in the company newsletter. Either way, doing so reinforces that your company values and appreciates those who follow company standards.
  3.  Review your mystery shopping survey.  Does it still represent the things you want your associates to focus on? Want to add a new question?  We can do that! Some companies add a question around a current offer or promotion, to see if associates mention it and explain it correctly to customers.  At the end of the promotion period, we can remove the question from view.  Does your mystery shop survey include a question that employees consistently do well on? Consider replacing it with a different one, to add challenge and keep employees on top of their game.
  4. Check out the competition. Using your same survey, Confero can call or visit your competitors.  Armed with this information, you can fine tune your own selling styles and also have employees who are in the know about what the competition offers, making them better at perfecting their own sales pitches.
  5. Add telephone mystery shopping  or online shops. If your program only includes visit shops,think about the customer experience online and by phone. For some, these contact methods are their first introduction to your company.  Ensure that the experience online and by phone meets your standards, too.
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