Confero Consumer Alert: Person Falsely Claiming to be Employee of Confero

Confero Consumer Alert: Person Falsely Claiming to be Employee of Confero

Confero Consumer Alert: Person Falsely Claiming to be Employee of Confero

We learned today that a scammer is using the Confero name and an employee name to try to trick consumers into providing information about themselves. The scammer added a false post through LinkedIn and the positions were listed as Office Admin/Shoppers positions. This person claims to be Paul Jacobi, an employee of Confero.  The email is in regard to fake assignments.

This person is not an employee of Confero.  They emailed the consumer with subject line of “Confero Job Application,” and sent the email from an address that is not associated with Confero.

Here is what the fraudster emailed. You’ll notice that many phrases do not make sense:

We offer many ways to survey customers. All integrate on our reporting platform and customer experience and operational insight and the job opportunity is wide open as long as you have:

Walmart, Apple, CVS Stores, K-mart, Rite Aid, 7-Eleven, Best Buy, Radio Shack, Duanne Reed.

Details include:

How long it took to get service

Smartness of attendant

Customer service professionalism

What was your overall experience with the staff and store environment neatness?

The email goes on to ask the consumer to reply with personal details including full name, address, date of birth and phone number. The scammer falsely claims to be associated with Confero.  The scammer also mentions that the “shopper” can receive 4 assignments paying $2500.

Please do not fall for this scam. Shoppers who are interested in assignments may register to become a shopper at, and Confero does not request personal information via email. The other warning sign/red flag is the large amount of money that the fraudster claims you can make.

Please be aware of this scam and other scams by noting the following:

  • Emails from Confero employees will come from (This email came from It’s a fake email!)
  • Please do not respond or provide any personal information to a person who claims to be with Confero. Please do not text them. Do not provide your social security number or other identifying information.
  • Although this email does not mention it,  other scams will ask consumers for payments before they may take on an assignment.  Confero NEVER asks for a credit card payment from the shopper prior to assigning them to a shop. Registering as a contractor with Confero is at no cost and there is no obligation to take on any assignment. Payments are issued after successful completion of the mystery shop.

We thank the consumer who brought this to our attention, so that we can warn others of this scam.


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