Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns of Fake Check Scam: Thomas West and Andrew Mann

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns of Fake Check Scam: Thomas West and Andrew Mann

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns of Fake Check Scam: Thomas West and Andrew Mann

Confero received information today on fraudsters who are using the Confero name to try to scam consumers. We have no employee named Andrew Mann or Thomas West. The fraudster mention CVS/Moneygram/Walmart assignment and asks people to cash a money order for a mystery shop assignment, telling the consumer to keep wages of $500 from a fake check in the amount of $1998..  If you receive an email or letter in the mail from this scammer, DON’T FALL FOR IT. Do not cash the money order or provide any information. The fake check was sent via USPS priority mail. In this case, it was a cashier’s check drawn on Community Bank & Trust in Iowa.

The persons falsely claim to be associated with Confero and attempt to recruit secret shoppers through emails and letters.  Once contact information is provided, the fraudster sends checks via USPS, asking for the recipient to cash the fake checks. Please do not fall for this scam!

The names and addresses listed in this particular letter is:

   Thomas West

5112 W. Wathan Drive

Fresno, CA 93722

Andrew Mann

Please do not contact Thomas West or Andrew Mann as they are trying to scam people.  These scams almost always result in consumers becoming duped into a fake check scam. In fake check scams, shoppers are sent checks to deposit, and then told to wire most of the funds elsewhere and keep the difference. Ultimately, the check the scammer sent the shopper turns out to be worthless and the shopper is on the hook to cover the entire check with the bank. Some of the checks look quite real – so real in fact that bank tellers see them all the time. BE CAREFUL! 

 Please be aware:

1.    Emails from Confero employees will come from This one came from

2.    Confero NEVER issues checks to shoppers for any reason. Our payments to shoppers are sent via PayPal or Direct Deposit.  Payments are issued after successful completion of the mystery shop.

3.   Hundreds of dollars in pay for a mystery shopping assignment is rare.

We thank the consumers who brought this to our attention, so that we were able to warn others of this scam.

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