Confero Wins Stevie Award

Confero Wins Stevie Award

We are pleased to announce that Confero was recently named winner in the Stevie Award category, “Customer Service or Call Center Consulting Practice of the Year.”   Confero learned that it was a contender for the award last month, and the final results were revealed on Monday, Feb. 21 at the Eden Roc Renaissance Hotel in Miami Beach, Fla.  This award is particularly meaningful to Confero’s customer service team because it recognizes the team’s delivery of quality solutions in 2010, including many which involved quick turnaround times and tough requirements.

The Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service are presented annually, and are designed to recognize accomplishments of sales, customer service, and call/contact center professionals worldwide.   American companies and organizations with U.S. based operations are eligible to be nominated for the awards. A board of distinguished judges and advisors determines the finalists and winners.

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