Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns of Email Scam – David Grant

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns of Email Scam – David Grant

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns of Email Scam – David Grant

Confero learned about an email scam regarding “David Grant” whose email address is  The email attempts to recruit secret shoppers and promises a $250 fee for one visit.  The scam asks for the person to reply by email and complete the form.  Please do not provide information or fall for this scam!

Here is an example of the email:

We have a W a l m a r t S u r v e y A s s i g n m e n t in your location for you..It’s fun and rewarding. There is no charge to become a s|h|o|p|p|e|r and you do not need previous experience and you would be paid “$250.00” for each completed survey.



1. You will receive funding for the assignment.


2. You will receive the Instruction via email on the location and details of the assignment.


3. You are to complete the assignment as fast and discreetly as possible.


4. You will be asked to visit a business location to conduct business be it a restaurant, shopping store etc.


You will receive a flat sum of  “$250.00” per completed task. The company will furnish you with all expense needed for the task and any other expense incurred during the course of executing your assignment.




****Your Full Name:


****Your Physical Address(NOT P.O Box):


****City, State, Zip_Code:


****Current Profession:


****Cell Phone #:


****Home Phone #:





David Grant.



Please do not contact David Grant, as this person is trying to scam people.  These scams almost always result in consumers becoming duped into a fake check scam. In fake check scams, shoppers are sent checks to deposit, and then told to wire most of the funds elsewhere and keep the difference. Ultimately, the check the scammer sent the shopper turns out to be worthless and the shopper is on the hook to cover the entire check with the bank. Some of the checks look quite real – so real in fact that bank tellers see them all the time. BE CAREFUL! 

Please be aware:

Emails from Confero employees will come from  Confero does not recruit shoppers through LinkedIn.

Confero NEVER issues checks to shoppers for any reason. Our payments to shoppers are sent via PayPal or Direct Deposit. 

We thank the consumers who brought this to our attention, so that we were able to warn others of this scam.

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Confero Warns of Email Scam – David Grant

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