Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Warning About Mystery Shopper Scam Using the Name Kevin Bailey

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Warning About Mystery Shopper Scam Using the Name Kevin Bailey

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Warning About Mystery Shopper Scam Using the Name Kevin Bailey

We received infromation today that someone using the name Kevin Bailey, posing as a representive of Confero,  is asking people to wire money through Western Union. Please do not mistake the person calling himself Kevin Bailey as a Confero representative. He is not. Please do not fall for his scam.

As a reminder, Confero NEVER sends certified checks to mystery shoppers and Confero NEVER asks shoppers to wire transfer money. Read more about mystery shopping scams and learn what to do if you are a victim of a scam

If you think someone is trying to scam you, please read our “How to Spot a Scam” article to find out what you should do!

We appreciate the consumers who contacted us to let us know about this. Thank you!

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