Confero Retail Compliance Audit Case Studies Show Reliability and Speed

Confero Retail Compliance Audit Case Studies Show Reliability and Speed

Over the years, we’ve been asked to conduct research with some very specific and interesting requirements.   For example, Confero recruited smokers with specific types of health insurance policies in order to test and compare the effectiveness of public quit smoking hotlines.  Often times, it’s not the project itself that is the most difficult for us, but the tight time frame that is the most challenging.  Here are some examples:

* Confero delivered results for a retail reset study involving 2,000 locations within 3 days, with only 2 days notice.

* For a compliance project requiring quick turnaround, Confero deployed shoppers to test coupon acceptance at 900 convenience stores.  Confero completed the work within the requested time frame, and delivered the final results to the client just 24 days after the project began.

If you would like to learn more about the types of projects Confero conducts and the time frames that we can deliver them, please visit our case studies .

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