Confero Proudly Sponsored the Triangle Go Red For Women Luncheon on May 6th
Did you know that heart disease is still the number one cause of death among women? Did you know that heart disease can affect women at any age?
Confero has made it our mission over the past few years to get involved in raising awareness about heart disease in women. Earlier this year Confero staff members participated in National Wear Red Day by wearing red and attending a CPR information session.
On Friday, May 6th Confero sponsored the Triangle Go Red For Women Luncheon at the Sheraton in Raleigh, North Carolina. Our staff members spent time attending seminars on these topics: Heart Healthy Cooking, CPR Training and Know Your Heart Health.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for tips on how you can improve your Heart Health and how you can get involved with Go Red For Women.