Confero President Speaks at 2013 IMSC conference

Confero President Speaks at 2013 IMSC conference

Elaine Buxton, president, participated as a speaker at the Independent Mystery Shoppers’ Conference (IMSC), held at the Melia Hotel in Atlanta, GA on May 30th – June 1st, 2013.  The IMSC is a mystery shopper support organization working to improve the industry by providing educational information. The conference focused on ways to complete mystery shopping jobs in a manner that meets both client and mystery shopping provider needs and included tips on shopper communication, organization and planning.

Elaine’s presentation uncovered reasoning behind issues that often mystify shoppers. She explained such areas as survey length and question repetition, different survey formats to serve unique clients’ needs and use of open ended shopper comments.



– This was the 9th conference hosted by IMSC in three years.

–  Confero team members Laura Leary, Client Services Manager, and Janet Morrison, Business Development Manager, were also in attendance and available to answer shopper questions. 

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