WRAL-TV Interviews Confero President discusses Customer Service

WRAL-TV Interviews Confero President discusses Customer Service

WRAL-TV Interviews Confero President discusses Customer Service

Raleigh, NC. — February 16, 1999 —

Elaine Buxton discussed local customer service with WRAL-TV reporter Ericka Lewis today , following the annual release of the American Customer Satisfaction Survey. This year’s results showed that after handing out bad service for years, retailers may finally be doing something right. Ms. Buxton discussed the use of mystery shopper reports to implement target improvements within a business. “You can look at your income statement or your balance sheet but it’s not going to tell you how you’re doing with your customer,” said Ms. Buxton during the interview.

About Confero:

Confero, Inc. is a customer experience measurements firm specializing in mystery shopping services and customer satisfaction surveys for retail, automotive, banking and food service businesses. Formed in 1986, Confero conducts mystery shops in the U.S., Canada and Japan. By using its over 130,000 independently contracted mystery shoppers. The firm is a charter member of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA). Also, it is certified by WBENC as a Woman-Owned business. Additionally, they are accredited by the Better Business Bureau.

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