Confero President Concludes Term on Meredith College Board of Trustees

Confero President Concludes Term on Meredith College Board of Trustees

Confero President Concludes Term on Meredith College Board of Trustees

RALEIGH, N.C. — May 14 2001 — Elaine Buxton, president Confero, has completed a two (2) year term on the Meredith College Board of Trustees. During her tenure, she served on the Executive Committee of the Board. “I was extremely honored to serve Meredith College. I have a tremendous respect for Meredith’s goals and challenges and look forward to serving Meredith in other ways in the coming years.”

About Elaine Buxton:
Elaine joined Confero is 1986, after managing operations for Wedgwood China Marketing Ltd. In Frankfurt, Germany, a $12 million 31-store division which marketed Wedgwood products to NATO forces in Germany, Italy and Belgium. In 1987, she returned to the U.S. and joined Confero. She was named President of Confero in 1999. Elaine was deeply involved in the formation of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association, having served on the Operating Committee which formed the Association and then serving on its Board of Directors for the past two (2) years. She has also served as President of the Raleigh Professional Women’s Forum, on the Cary Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and as Board Chair of the non-profit Life Experiences. Elaine earned a BSBA from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MBA from Meredith College.

About Meredith College:
Located in Raleigh, North Carolina, Meredith College is the largest private women’s college in the Southeast, with more than 2,600 students and 15,800 alumnae. For more information, visit

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