Confero Participates in Go Red for Women!
March 18, 2019On January 31st, the Confero team met to learn more about heart disease in women, warning signs and how to administer hands-only CPR.
Mystery Shops to Improve the Drive thru Experience
March 18, 2019If your restaurant has drive thru locations, your goal is to ensure consumers return to your drive thru – and not to your competitor’s instead. Before you can improve, you need to know how drive thru associates perform.
Sharing Mystery Shopping Reports: What’s Best?
January 29, 2019Change how you share mystery shopping outcomes with the team and improve results for future mystery shops.
Many clients receive emails with a link to the mystery shop result. Sometimes, managers forward or comment on the mystery shop, and copy a Confero team member, so we see their coaching comments to staff. The variety of feedback we see in terms of positive and negative coaching is eye opening!
What makes for action-oriented coaching for both good and bad mystery shopping results?
Confero President Serves as Judge for Steve Award for Customer Service
January 29, 2019Confero’s president, Elaine Buxton, served as a judge for the 2019 Stevie Awards for the Customer Service/Contact Center Team category. The Stevie awards began in 2002 to boost public recognition of achievements and contributions of companies and working professionals worldwide. The Stevie since then has become one of the world's most coveted prizes. There are
NPS – Net Promoter Score – Add It To Your Survey!
January 18, 2019Did you know that you can add a question to your existing mystery shopping survey to collect information on Net Promoter ®?
The Net Promoter Score is a powerful marketing metric that measures whether customers are likely to recommend your services to others.
It’s an excellent indicator of future revenue growth. The metric is