Tips for Writing Comments and Narratives in Mystery Shopping Reports
February 20, 2015You have finished your mystery shop, have your notes and are ready to write your report. How much detail should you include? Was that an important detail or not?
Here are some tips to help you when you fill out your next report.
We are Secure!
January 23, 2015We are pleased announce we have a new level of online security for website and our Sassie-based Compass mystery shopping reporting system.
Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Warning of Fraudulent Email Scam – Thomas Keane
December 16, 2014A scam was uncovered recently which offers a fake mystery shop assignment and delivery of a fraudulent check as “payment” before the shop. The communication encourages the recipient to cash or deposit a fraudulent cashier’s check at their own bank before completing a shop assignment at a drug store.
Mystery Shopping Photography 101
November 17, 2014Tips for getting the perfect shot while mystery shopping!
Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Warning about Recent Email Scam: Belinda Ramos and N. William Brock
September 24, 2014Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Warning about Recent Email Scam: Belinda Ramos and N. William Brock An email/Craigslist scam has been uncovered with Confero’s name fraudulently used within the follow up communications. The emails were sent to consumers the week of September 21st. Within the email, the scammers claim that they received the person’s email […]