How to Plan for a Mystery Shopping Program Pilot
March 17, 2010Some companies prefer to conduct a pilot before entering into a full-scale mystery shopping program. This is a great way fine-tune your mystery shop program and to narrow down exactly what your team would like to accomplish by using mystery shopping reports as a way to measure employee behaviors and front line performance.
Mystery Shopping Call Scenarios for Banks
September 10, 2009Considering telephone mystery shopping call scenarios for your bank ? A good starting point is to think about the client interactions that are most critical to the achievement of your bank’s sales and service goals.
Mystery Shopping for Revenue Generation: Maximize the ROI of Your Mystery Shopping Program
September 4, 2009Mystery shopping usually means measuring customer experiences as they relate to specific performance expectations for service delivery. This means that mystery shoppers are typically reporting on behaviors and conditions that affect the usually means measuring customer experience .
What is Mystery Shopper Interview Bias?
August 26, 2009Businesses considering mystery shopping services sometimes ask us about “interview bias,” or the concern that the mystery shopper will sway the employee to behave in a certain way or that the mystery shopper will bring opinions to the shop visit which might affect the outcome of the research.
Five Benefits of an Ongoing Customer Service Mystery Shopping Program
August 6, 2009Customer service is about selling: selling the right product to the right customer in the right place at the right time. Many factors will determine customer service and, therefore, many factors have an impact on sales. In today’s challenging economic environment, many companies have fewer customers so they must sell more to the customers they do have.