Mystery Shops to Improve the Drive thru Experience
February 13, 2025If your restaurant has drive thru locations, your goal is to ensure consumers return to your drive thru – and not to your competitor’s instead. Before you can improve, you need to know how drive thru associates perform.
Four Tips for Managing Tablets and the Restaurant Guest Experience
February 27, 2015Tablets at the table offer benefits, but how do you measure their effectiveness in providing a better guest experience?
How do tablets change the server’s role with the diners?
Mystery Shopping Program Guide: Food and Beverage-Restaurant [Infographic]
January 30, 2015Need a quick guide to ensure a mystery shop program is on track or to initiate a second type of program for your company? We know the details can be overwhelming, so we developed an agenda of items to consider. Items vary by type of shop (onsite, phone, competitor, etc.) and by industry (restaurant, retail automotive, banking, call center, etc.).
New Trends Among Restaurant Customers and How They Could Change Mystery Shopping Programs
February 1, 2013When you think about trends that impact food service, it’s overwhelming: Older baby boomers dine out more often; social media restaurant conversations and feedback travel instantaneously; more customers choose smaller portions or snacks outside traditional meal times; and quick serve restaurants compete with fast casuals by adding trendy ingredients. Just as managers change menus and strategies as they adjust to these new trends, they should also fine tune restaurant mystery shopping goals to measure how well they meet demands produced by these trends.
25 Business Types for Mystery Shopping, Customer Experience Research and Compliance Audits
March 3, 2011Confero’s 25 years in the customer experience research field has allowed us to interact with various industries over the years. With our experience in so many diverse industries, we apply knowledge to new projects in unique ways. Here’s a list of 25 types of businesses that Confero has worked with over the decades, by providing them with services including onsite, telephone-recorded and email mystery shops, competitive pricing studies, retail audits, brand representation at retail, and customer satisfaction surveys: