Testing the Test: POP and Sales Support for New Products

Testing the Test POP and Sales Support for New Products Confero

How Do You Check the Information Shared at Point of Purchase on at a Car Dealership?

Confero was called to assist in testing the test at point of purchase and sales support for new products. An automaker had partnered with a credit card issuer. Certain dealerships were testing the new program and they were experiencing challenges.

The new program’s goal was to create an affinity credit card program for purchasers. Thus, customers had the opportunity to earn points toward price reductions on future vehicles.

However, the auto maker was concerned that multiple offers to potential customers would adversely impact card acceptance and usage. Especially true, if the customer may or may not qualify for the credit.

At the time of purchase, auto purchasers were pre-screened for the credit card offer  was a part of this pilot program. As you can imagine, there are lots of details and information needed to accomplish this. Hence, the car dealership staff needed to be aware of what was legally required to be shared, what information they could ask for prior to the sale, etc. Thus, a training opportunity arose with this new pilot program.

Confero’s Auditor – Educator Team

Enter Confero, which dispatched a team of auditor-educators to speak with sales managers of the auto maker’s dealerships in the test area.
Auditors explained the program succinctly to car dealership staff. After all, everyone needed to know the particulars of this program. Additionally, Confero’s auditor-educators confirmed promotional materials were in place.

At program end, acceptance of the card had increased and the partnership between the auto maker and the card issuer was intact. Confero’s auditor-educator team was able to assist in testing the test. Therefore, ensuring that at the point of purchase and sales support for new products was successfully launched.


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New Product Point of Purchase & Sales Support Mystery Shopping
Service Type
New Product Point of Purchase & Sales Support Mystery Shopping
United States
Testing the Test: Point of purchase and Sales Support for New Products. Confero offers many customer experience research opportunities, gathering useful information and return actionable plans to improve service and profitability.
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