Soda fountain sales are a big business in America. Fast food restaurants and soda companies work together to benefit them both. Sometimes, evaluating their partnership and how it can be improved is a great idea. A nationwide quick service restaurant chain, along with its beverage provider, partnered to conduct a drive thru promotional campaign. The beverage provider wanted to increase fountain sales. Also, they wanted the beverage fill levels evaluated by the mystery shoppers.
Can Revenue be Generated via Upselling by a Cashier?
Of particular interest were the drive thru service times and key customer service behaviors. Confero worked with both the restaurant chain and the beverage company in developing a nationwide on-the-spot rewards mystery shopping program. This promotional mystery shopping partnership program would focus on revenue generation via upselling by cashiers.
Are We Serving Customer Service to Customers?
Are customers being addressed at specific customer touch points? Were they greeting and thanking their customers? If yes, rewarding employees on the spot was a part of this mystery shop program. On the spot, they were rewarded by the mystery shopper and their name was recorded in the mystery shop report.
Immediately after a mystery shop visit, our mystery shopper measured how full their cups were. Then, this information coupled with the mystery shop results were submitted.
Sales Results are In!
As a result of this promotional mystery shopping partnership program, soda fountain sales volume increased. Thus, suggestive selling improved sales by 36% . Both companies received the cup size and fill information needed to make sizing decisions for the future. The results of this mystery shop research was that revenue generation via upselling worked for both the restaurant and the beverage company.
Learn more about the customer experience research techniques that Confero offers.