Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Beware of Fake Confero “Recruiters” James Scott and Carlos Burnett

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Beware of Fake Confero “Recruiters” James Scott and Carlos Burnett

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Beware of Fake Confero “Recruiters” James Scott and Carlos Burnett

Cary, NC — August 25, 2008 — We have been contacted recently by prospective shoppers who were emailed by persons with Hotmail and Gmail email addresses, claiming to be recruiters for Confero. These emails are a scam! The emails ask consumers for personal information and promise an unrealistic $200 per shop survey. PLEASE never give your personal information to anyone via email. To register your profile to shop for Confero, please do so online via our secure website. If you have been contacted by these scammers, please forward a copy to us at We are working with the authorities to put a stop to this!

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