Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Be Aware of a New Email Scam!

Confero Consumer Protection Alert – Be Aware of a New Email Scam!

Confero Consumer Protection Alert InvestigatorConfero Consumer Protection Alert – Be Aware of a New Email Scam!

Confero, Inc. was recently notified about a new email scam.  The scammers have used Confero’s reputable name and the name of our company president, Elaine Buxton.  The scammers created an email address and have contacted consumers and offered them mystery shops paying up to $120 a piece.  This is a scam!  Elaine Buxton’s email address is not  Confero staff members will only ever contact mystery shoppers via their email addresses.  Also, Confero NEVER sends certified checks to mystery shoppers and Confero NEVER asks shoppers to wire transfer money.

Read more about this current scam, including the exact email messages consumers have received from these scammers.

Learn what to do if you are a victim of a scam.

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