Ever wanted to know quickly which of your managers act on mystery shop results, and what actions they have taken? We thought so! With action plans, learn how managers respond and when to mystery shop concern areas. Some advantages of action plans are:
Easy set up.
Your information and hierarchy are already in our system. Once you decide to add this feature to your program, we complete steps to enable action plans for your mystery shopping, customer feedback and compliance audit reporting.
Remediate inconsistencies.
When mystery shops uncover inconsistent execution by locations, it’s important to communicate clearly for quick improvements. Action plans let you take aim at areas that need improvement, by making it easier for you to see the issues, and to see which managers have taken action to correct any issues that the shops uncover. You can also view which managers have not taken action, so that you may follow up with them about a plan.
Rank on importance.
Rather than overwhelming managers with actions for each missed area, focus in on the high risk ones, and work to prevent them from reoccurring. You can rank each item as high, medium and low risk.
Track managers’ progress in addressing issues.
When this information resides with your shop data, there’s no searching through emails for individual manager replies to concerns you’ve raised about a poor mystery shop result. You can even track which managers have logged in to see their locations’ issues.
Ensure ongoing problems are corrected.
If the same problem is uncovered week after week, month after month, managers may become complacent. Then they may begin to think that change is too hard to achieve. Action plans ensure that managers address each improvement area, each time.
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