A: Allow time to consider your mystery shop goals, survey question details and possible scenarios during the set up of a new mystery shopping program .
B: Build on the information that you gain from your mystery shops so that you can improve and redirect your program periodically.
C: Customize your mystery shopper survey to reflect your firm’s unique service and sales priorities.
D: Deliver mystery shop results quickly to location managers so that they can share with their employees.
E: Evaluate mystery shopping program goals every 4 to 6 months.
F: Focus on excellent mystery shop results for training examples and poor results for individual discussions.
G: Grow your business by testing new sales strategies via a mystery shop pilot program.
H: Help employees improve by discussing an anonymous individual mystery shop with the entire team.
I: Identify new and better ways to recognize employees for superior results.
J: Justify the cost of a program by considering how many sales will result from consistent delivery of quality customer service and customer engagement.
K: Keep managers informed of any mystery shopping program changes, so that they can communicate new expectations to their teams.
L: Lean toward a firm that deploys mystery shoppers who pose as typical customers rather than experts in their field.
M: Measure improvement areas and recognize most improved locations.
N: Nail down times for new employees to conduct a mystery shop –using your mystery shopper survey form – at a competitor location.
O: Opt for a shorter mystery shopper survey to begin, and reevaluate it later as your team grows accustomed to receiving the information on the mystery shop reports .
P: Partner with a company that has a consultative, not cookie cutter, approach.
Q: Quit wondering what the competition is doing. Mystery shop them, too!
R: Re-mystery shop locations that need more attention.
S: Send mystery shoppers to locations during peak and off-peak hours, busy and slow times to get a true picture.
T: Tailor the length of the mystery shop to that of a typical customer interaction.
U: Undertake efforts to clearly explain to employees why your company is beginning a mystery shop program— before the program rolls out.
V: Validation of mystery shops is an important piece of quality control, so ensure a method is in place.
W: Wait until the first round of mystery shops is over to make final decisions on the survey and other issues.
X: eXtend the reach of your program to gather data across your footprint and other departments as needed.
Y: Yield to employee opinions if they make valid points about mystery shop expectations.
Z: Zero in on ways to complement your mystery shop information with voice of the customer data from online customer surveys.